1.  Your child(ren) can start attending right after they are born in our wonderful infant room and stay in the same daycare with most of their same friends and possibly a sibling or two until they begin kindergarten.

2.  Then they can continue coming to 'their home away from home' with the After School program with those same friends through 5th grade!

3.  During the summer, the school age kids have several special outings - such as going to the Library program every week, bowling, skating, movies, water play, walk to the park down the street, etc.

4.  Formula is offered to the infants free of charge.  Little Sheep is on the SNP Food Program and the children are served two nutritious meals and snacks every day.

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    Melissa Holland

    I have been the part-time secretary for Wynne Presbyterian Church since February 2006.  Little Sheep Day School is located inside the church.  In 2010, I went to work part-time for the daycare as well doing their finances.  In 2012, I received my CDA while working with the Four Year Old class (see photo above).  LS is a wonderful, loving, caring environment for children to learn & play.


    April 2013

